The main reason for this app was my need for a way to keep track of long todo lists across several different projects. These are not small projects - one of them is building a motorcycle, it's actually just an adult sized mini bike that going to be made really well. As I think of things to do, I need to write them down. I used to do this on Google Keep and then Apple Notes, but I would end up with really messy lists. My project lists would get mixed up with other random notes that I would write. And these apps do have checklists that you can embed into the note, and I tried this with the Apple Notes app. I just ended up with extremely long checklists, and all the old items stayed there unless I deleted them. It was unmaintainable. Such apps are not designed for this use case.
Turnboards groups checklist items by project, and each item can have it's own state - backlog, active, or complete. It's very simple, but it keeps thing moving. Checking something off as done makes it go into the completed list, and that is paginated. So your workspace stays clean or only has a few items on it for you to look at. I wanted to avoid the endless checklist problem.
Building this app
As soon as it was functional enough, I used Turnboards to finish building Turnboards. Building any app is task intensive - keeping track of lots of different technical things, functionality, and just random stuff is what app building is all about. It's a very creative process because you're building something as you go. I'll think of five or ten things todo when I'm not at my computer, have to write them down, or I'll forget them. So I would just enter them into the active column, do them later when I was working on the app, check them off, and keep going like that. My workspace stated pretty clean. I could burn through my active todo list and add more for the next coding session.
As a workflow
This system has worked so well for me that I've now got all my personal projects in Turnboards. A "Board" represents a project. My only issue now is finding time to actually do the things on my active todo lists.